We stimulate education and performance among the young.


An extraordinary club for all the kids with a passion for robotics, IT and, why not, gaming!

Iulia Nicola, parent

Our Courses

Available by age category, for 7 to 19 year olds.

IT Courses

We train kids taking their first steps in coding and those who wish to participate in contests and Olympiads. The groups are small and teaching takes place in the form of tutoring.

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IQ Academy Club

We host the courses of Frâncu Foundation, for kids who wish to train for the Olympiads, or other national contests. Meetings are on a weekly basis, in groups of 10 up to 20 kids.

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From basic principles of building and coding to the development of competition robots, the final goal of the courses is participation in national and international competitions (World Robot Olympiad).

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We approach the subjects in an easy to understand manner and we target all kids in forms 3 - 8 who want to improve their knowledge. The groups are small and the teaching system is in the form of tutoring.

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The results obtained prove the quality of our courses.

Our mission

We create an enabling environment for learning.

We started from the idea that young people can learn better in a relaxing environment that is familiar to their imagination. Play is compulsory in the learning process, as it stimulates imagination, creativity, and helps settle concepts based on experience.

We did not discover this ourselves... we just believe it and wish to validate it.

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